Churchill - Fields
There have been numbers of reports of seeing impish like creatures best described as cows wondering the fields of
church hill late on Halloween night. Most spotters describe the beast as red eyed-possessed look.
Clarksburg - Palestine Church
This is an old abandoned church that is surrounded by a cemetery. You can still go inside the church, it
is not locked. If you go inside at night, you can see a person sitting on the piano stool, and hear them begin to play the very LOW notes on the piano. Also, you can see someone standing in the corner wearing a black cloak, and covering his or her face. You can hear the wood floor creaking as if someone is walking toward you, if you have the courage to STAY that long. As you start to leave you can hear the sounds of "things" running through the woods, leaves rustling, sticks breaking, etc. And you have the feeling of being "watched" the whole time you are there.
Clarksville - Amanda Dr
October 2003 Udate: The building has been torn down - Its an abandoned building in a neighborhood built in the early 1800s. In this building you can hear moaning and groaning going on. You will hear a woman sounding like she is in pleasure. This
happens at 11:00pm-12:00am every other day. Sometimes you can see a visual perspective of a young woman. I advise not to go but go at your own risk.
Clarksville - Austin Peay State University
This is in relation to the haunting of the school's Trahern theatre. last year(2002) in a production the theatre department was producing. One afternoon, a perfectly clear afternoon, with no rain, the cast was on stage rehearsing, suddenly the lights dimmed on and off three times at differing periods of length, no more than a few seconds each time. it was clear, there was no reason for the electricity to go out, and no one was in the lighting booth, the lights simply seemed to go out on there own. We all joked it was the ghost, trying to get us to leave her alone.
Clarksville - Austin Peay State University - Trahern Theater
The Third floor and stage are apparently haunted by a ghost of a young woman students call "Margaret". Messing with elevators, locking doors, banging lockers, and calling the unfortunate night owl's name.
Clarksville - Gateway Hospital
A ghost was seen walking past an opened door into a hallway on the first floor of Gateway Hospital. There were no legs below thigh level.
Clarksville - Palmyra - Headless Statues
There is a ghost by the name of E.T. Wickham who haunts the grounds at and around the headless statues. Strange noises and such have been heard near the cabin he used to live in across the street. The cabin still stands but is in ruin. The statues are all still standing but are in desperate need of repair. - March 2007 update: The Statues are no longer there. They have been removed by relatives and family of Wickham.
Clarksville - Resthaven Cemetery
There's a house back behind the actual cemetery that is said to have been the house of a slave owner. As the story goes one of the slaves impregnated the slave owner's daughter by forms of rape. The slave owner killed the slave. It is said that the slave still haunts the house and neighboring cemetery looking for his unborn child. I've been there myself and me and some
other people were walking up to the house and light bluish/greenish light crept up the house. so of course we fled to where we were parked on the outside road. we got in the car and as we pulled off a wind of gravel hit the back window. the weird thing was we were on a paved road with no gravel in sight.
Clarksville - Smith Trahern Mansion
The ghost of Mrs. Smith is said to be seen on the widow's walk on moonlit nights. The house overlooks the Cumberland River where her husband was a Riverboat Captain. In life, she sat on the balcony overlooking the river waiting for him to come home. He died in an accident on the river, and never returned to her. She still stands in vigil, waiting for her husband to come home.
Cleveland - Greens Cavern
On October 30th a tall shadowy figure is said to be seen roaming through the open field carrying a sickle. at 12:00 midnight he returns to the cavern if you pass by him your soul will stay with him in his cavern. it's mystery why he's there.