Agents - An agent is the human being that sees the ghost or apparition.
Altered State of Consciousness - An altered state of consciousness is any state of consciousness which differs from the normal states of being awake or asleep.
Amulets - An amulet is an article that has the power to stave off ghosts and evil spirits.
Angels - Angels are a holy and protective messengers shielding us from harm. They are sometimes mistaken for ghosts.
Apparition - An apparition is a mysterious image of a disembodied spirit that can be recognized as a human or animal or object. They are the most rare type of ghost to capture on film. Ghostly human forms are the easiest to fake, especially with the advanced technology of computers. This makes it even more difficult to prove apparitions when using photos. Ghostly apparitions of ships trains, cars and other inanimate objects have been seen.
Apport - An apport happens when a solid object appears from out of nowhere, with the assistance of the spirit in the company of a medium.
Astral Planes - An astral plane is a level of awareness in the celestial world having its own standards, occupants, and reason for being.
Astral Body - An astral body is the energy that seperates itself from the human form but still maintains the personality and feelings of the individual. Sometimes others will see them during their Out-of-Body Experience (OBE) or Near-Death Experience (NDE).
Atmospheric Apparitions - An atmospheric apparition is a visual imprint the person who has died left on the atmosphere, that continues to replay.
Auras - An aura is an energy field that surrounds all living things.